Nobody's Fool

"Every teacher dislikes some pupils-the cheeky lipsticked adolescent girls, the sullen, hangdog youths, the cocky vulgar little comedians, how loathsome they can be, all the more so because they do it deliberately." -Gilbert Highet (American Educator, Author, and Social Critic)

Friday, July 20, 2007

How does this work?

As all of you have seen from previous posts, I do receptionist work. A part of my job is to help people who come in with appointments to meet with the appropriate person. But, don't you think that the people who made appointments here would make a point to be available at that time? Not here.

For example, a man came in with an appointment to see A.
I called A's office extension- no answer.
I called A's cell phone number- he said he was on lunch and to call R instead.
I called R's office extension- no answer.
I called R's cell phone number- no answer.
I paged R to call my extension- no call back.

I knew that R was in a meeting with my supervisor earlier in the day, so I checked the conference room, and there R was. Growing a little frustrated, I asked R if he had heard my page. And R replied, "yes." Then I explained the situation and finally he met the person sitting patiently by my desk.

How can a person be on lunch when they are supposedly expecting someone? I eavesdropped a little on the conversation between R and the patient man and found out that the patient man had made the appointment with A in April!!! Clearly, these people aren't doing their jobs and getting paid about 70,000/year. Is anyone else outraged?


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